God bless Faith and Dan!

I have more than 24 hours between the end of NCD training and my flight to Portland, OR. I had thought I would find a motel room somewhere on the RI or CT coast, rent a bike, ride, read and relax.
Faith is one of my "classmates" in this NCD process. She invited me to her house, minutes from St. Andrews, and ushered me into my own guest wing! Then, gave me full access to the family bicycle collection. So, I rode out to the ocean and along it for a while. Then, to simply clock some miles, I rode along Rt 1 - not the most scenic, but a surprisingly pleasant ride with wide bike lanes and frequent places to change direction.
Back to Faith & Dan's - a lovely shower, then good conversation, laughter and food. They were adament that I not pay for parking at the Hartford/Springfield airport, so connected me with a pastor in CT who will keep my car in his church parking lot for the 3 weeks that I'll be gone.
After breakfast the next morning, I head to CT and the next stage of this sabbatical process.
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