May 29, 2006

The class schedule I got in the mail said breakfast was at 7:30; lunch at noon and dinner at 5:00. Because it is the official Memorial Day, there will be alternative outings rather than the usual class schedule.
Sounded OK to me, so I roused myself for breakfast and headed to the Refectory. The place was empty. I waited a bit - but no one appeared. Soon it became clear to me that no food was being served at all that day - nor did I find any other person around.
Here I am, out in the middle of nowhere, in an old stone castle, with no food, no transportation and no people around! God bless Erika who had sent me on my way with oatmeal raisin cookies - and Kendra who had stuffed pumpkin seeds into a side pocket of my suitcase. That was breakfast.
I located a magazine with a tourist's map of Dubuque, and combined that with the Yellow Pages to locate a bike rental place. It is record breaking heat and humidity, so I fill my 20 oz water bottle and set off to walk downtown. Two miles? maybe three? and who knew Iowa had hills! but Dubuque is built on the bluffs of the Mississippi and the streets equal any San Francisco street for steepness.
I find the bike shop just as I sip the last of my water (did I mention I also have no hat nor sunscreen?) The area looks totally deserted - a good spot for a city renewal project - and not a soul nor a vehicle in sight. I reach for the door handle - and the place is all locked up. Memorial Day!
I am faced with blistering hot weather, a very steep uphill walk and no water. I sat down on the stoop, said "OK God, now what do I do?" Up drove a Lutheran angel in a minivan. She too was looking for bike assistance. After a bit of conversation, she decided I was probably not dangerous nor crazy - and gave me a ride a dozen blocks or so to a restaurant. She even waited at the curb to be sure that it was open and that I got inside alright. God answers prayer in many and various ways!
After lunch (in air conditioning, even) and some locally brewed root beer, I set out to look for a drugstore (that hat and sunscreen at last). Since I was already downtown, I found a location in which to watch the Memorial Day parade. Then I walked back to the castle. Still no one in sight.
I took a shower, and had a nap - still no people in evidence. Around 7 pm I called and ordered pizza - asked them to deliver it to the statue of Martin Luther - the only landmark I could name.
I ate a portion of that pizza, all alone in the refectory. Then, I sat in the chapel to practice a bit on the piano. It's now 21 hours since I have seen another human being on campus. I am beginning to feel that I am living in some form of alternate reality.
Finally, some time after 9 pm, I hear the elevator. I stand in the hall, waiting for it to open - and 3 people emerge! It appears that in the basement of the castle, on the far side of the building, there is a lounge area where 6 students have been together, cooking and eating and relaxing. Who knew?
This whole abandonment thing does little to endear any of this place to me.
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