
It's been six Sundays since I set off on this Sabbatical journey. One of those Sundays I spent flying from one place to another. Five Sundays I have been in worship - never in the same place twice.
I have been in worship in Oregon, Iowa, Maine and Vermont.
I have been in Lutheran congregations and UCC congregations.
I have heard one woman and four men preach.
One service advertized itself as "contemporary". There's really no clear consensus or definition of "contemporary" worship; this one meant that on a dais to the right of the pulpit, teens led the singing of gospel choruses. Other than that, it pretty well fit the "traditional" mold.
Four of the services featured childrens' sermons. Only one of those was led by the pastor. Lay people do a great job with kids - and it offers more opportunity for a variety of leadership styles.
Some of the sermons were boring, or poorly organized. Some of the sermons were entertaining. But out of all of this, I carry home NO memorable sermon experiences. I remember the key theme of several of them, but none of them sent me home with spiritual nourishment for the coming week; none of them sent me out feeling I was better prepared to be part of the mission of Jesus Christ. Some of them didn't even mention Jesus.
All this leaves me with this abiding question that I hope you will all discuss with me when I return: Just what is it that we preachers are doing week after week? Why aren't the pew sitters rising up, demanding to hear the word of God presented with power and clarity?
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