National Youth Gathering Part I

Every three years, the ELCA invites youth to gather for 4 days - worship, fun, service, Bible study, music, speakers, dancing - it's all incorporated and then some. The event is so popular that it is now offered twice each time so more kids may be able to participate.
This year - San Antonio, TX - SIXTEEN THOUSAND Lutheran teens - that's a significant percentage of the population of Rutland!
The teens often choose to identify their group with unique t-shirts - and I would guess that also helps the youth leaders keep track of them!
Kids are everywhere - restaurants, ice cream parlors, hotel lobbies (and the elevators will never be the same again!), on the sidewalks - and streaming through intersections on the "walk" light. They gather once a day in the Alamodome - that's when I am most aware of their large numbers.
Remember how, at concerts, we used to use cigarette lighters to signal our approval and enthusiasm? Man, did I feel old when I realized that all those lights blazing around the kids dancing on the floor were cellphones!
Teens - and their chaperones - are on the go from breakfast to midnight. The day begins with Bible study in the Alamodome - then the groups head off to service activities, workshops, the interaction center or other activities as the group decides. The day ends with another gathering in the Alamodome with music, speaker, prayer and enthusiasm. Final devotions (organized by each group) are at 11:45, street curfew at midnight and in-room curfew at 1 am. By day 3, kids are beginning to look bleary-eyed - as are the chaperones!
Two groups from the VT/NY conference attended this year's NYG: Ascension from South Burlington and Redeemer from Plattsburgh.
What do we at Good Shepherd need to do to send kids to the 2009 gathering? (the rumor is that it will be in New Orleans)
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